Assessing Children’s SEAL Skills: Tools for Self-Assessment & Teacher Assessment
Two simple, quick and ready to use tools to assess and profile individual pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills in the five social and emotional aspects of learning.
Self-awareness • Managing feelings • Motivation • Empathy • Social skills
Assessing Children’s SEAL Skills
“In the thorny area of SEAL assessment these tools stand out as models of good practice. Clear, comprehensive, and manageable in busy classrooms, they offer crucial and robust information (and
not just for the SEF although good for that!) which really makes a difference to the individuals at the heart of SEAL - the children and those who work with them in schools.”
Professor Katherine Weare, Advisor to DfE on SEAL policy
- Link directly to SEAL curriculum learning outcomes and Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
- Provide comprehensive profiles and progression pathways for individuals and groups
- Support Assessment For Learning and Assessing Pupil Progress
- Enable monitoring and evaluation of SEAL input and outcomes at individual, class and whole
school levels - Provide robust evidence of impact of the revised OFSTED and ESTYN frameworks, with the
new focus on pupil well-being.
Teacher Assessment
TOOL 1 £69
Tool 1 Teacher Assessment Profiling and Evaluation Tool (APET) offers:
Individual assessment and profiling:
- Assessment of pupils’ skills in SEAL for planning and personalisation - supports AFL and APP
- Comprehensive profiling at transfer points and for SENCOs
- Early identification of pupil strengths and vulnerabilities.
- An invaluable tool for monitoring SEAL input for busy senior leaders and coordinators of SEAL/PSHE
Evaluating class and whole school achievement and
- Robust evidence for the revised SEF
- Collated information: numbers of children performing above, at, and below expectations in
SEAL – ideal for reporting to governors, parents, OFSTED/ESTYN and other stakeholders.

The Teacher Assessment includes all you’ll need:
- Full guidance and best practice in the assessment of SEAL.
- CD-ROM for printing copies of:
- Pupil assessment forms
- Teacher planning and record keeping forms
- Proformas for collating whole school information
- PowerPoint™ presentation for teacher familiarisation.
TOOL 2 £69
Tool 2 Pupil Self-Assessment in SEAL provides:
Opportunities for children to:
- Reflect on and discuss what they have learnt and how they have applied their learning, thereby
reinforcing the embedding of SEAL - Reflect on their strengths and set targets fordevelopment in SEAL.
Opportunities for adults to:
- Reinforce SEAL learning
- Apply the principles of AFL and plan for individuals and groups of children
- Find out how children view their own skills and progress
- Contribute to end of phase/key stage/year group transition practice.

The Teacher Assessment includes all you’ll need:
- Full guidance and best practice in the assessment of SEAL.
- CD-ROM for printing copies of:
- Self-assessment booklets for EYFS, KS1, KS2
(Y3&4) and KS2 (Y5&6) - Teacher planning and record keeping forms
- Target setting sheets and individual skills profiles
- Certificates
- Links to teacher assessment tool.