Secondary Seal 4 Parents
Working in partnership to improve attendance, behaviour, self-esteem, learning and relationships.
This comprehensive school resource file (and CD-ROM) contains all you need to plan, run and evaluate parent groups in ‘Family SEAL’. While the DfES offered primary schools resources to do this, nothing was offered to secondary schools. We have filled the gap with this fully evaluated and teacher-friendly resource!
What is special about SEAL 4 Parents?
- Engages hard-to-reach parents and carers
- Easy to implement – all resources included for 8 sessions
- Inspiring and motivating PowerPoint™ slides and handouts for each session, including experiential, interactive activities
- Supports the achievement of the ‘Parental Engagement Quality Standard’ (PEQS)
- Supports OfSTED/ESTYN focus on effective engagement with parents and carers
- Fully piloted and evaluated
- Written by practitioners!
What does SEAL 4 Parents consist of?
- A hard-wearing file with everything you need to deliver 8 SEAL 4 Parents sessions
- Motivating, fun PowerPoint™ Presentations, handouts and facilitator notes
- Full guidance on how to engage parents, set up and deliver the course
- CD-ROM of all materials
Sessions include:
Session 1: Setting the scene. What exactly are the ‘Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning’ and what have they got to do with me?
Session 2: Understanding the teenage brain. It’s like an entertainment system that isn’t wired up right!
Session 3: Developing self-awareness and high self-esteem. Knowing me and knowing you.
Session 4: Talking to your teenager. Tips on good and bad communication
Session 5: Assertive parenting. The effective way to parent!
Session 6: Emotions (yours and theirs!): recognising and managing them.How do they feel? And how do they cope?
Session 7: Alcohol and drugs. Supporting your child in making wise choices.
Session 8: Getting motivated, feeling optimistic and bouncing back!